Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Alpirsbach Monastery
Unique insights into a monastery church and school

Visitor information

Opening times

Monastery, monastery church, monastery museum and ticket office

1 January to 31 March

Sat., Sun.
11:00 am - 03:00 pm
Last admission 2.30 pm

1 April to 1 November

Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat.
10:30 am - 04:00 pm
Last admission 3.30 pm
Sun., Holiday
11:00 am - 04:30 pm
Last admission 3.30 pm
25. June
11:00 am - 04:30 pm
without monastery church
06. July

2 November to 31 December

Sat., Sun.
11:00 am - 03:00 pm
Last admission 2.30 pm

Guided tours

Guided tours in German

1 January to 31 March

Sat and Sun 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm

1 April to 1 November

Wed. – Sat 11.00 am, 12.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 3.00 pm
Sun and public holidays 11.30 am, 12.30 pm, 1.30 pm and 3.00 pm
6. July cancelled

2 November to 31 December

Sat & Sun 12.30 pm & 1.30 pm

Group tours by arrangement.

Also available in English, Dutch, and Spanish year-round.

Also available in French from 04 / 01 to 11 / 01.



Adults 8,00 €
Adults with Guest Card 7,00 €
Reduced 4,00 €
Family 20,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 7,20 €

Monastery with guided tour

Adults 10,00 €
Adults with Guest Card 9,00 €
Reduced 5,00 €
Family 25,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 9,00 €

Disability access

Information is available atDisability access

How to find us

journey description: Alpirsbach Monastery, illustration: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, JUNG:Kommunikation


Alpirsbach Monastery
Klosterplatz 1
72275 Alpirsbach, Germany

Getting there

By public transport: take the train line between Freudenstadt and Hausach,
and get off at Alpirsbach station.

Contact us

Alpirsbach Monastery- Information Centre

(Monastery ticket office)
Klosterplatz 1
72275 Alpirsbach

Contact form

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